Online (Live from Tokyo)

A recording of this event is available below

Date & Time

7pm in Tokyo / 10am London (UTC)
Saturday 12th December 2020

Istvan Zoltan Zardai

István Zardai


Yasuhiro Yotsumoto

Yasuhiro Yotsumoto


Shoko Kinoshita

Shoko Kinoshita


The first of our events to take place in a virtual setting, poet Yasuhiro Yotsumoto and philosopher Istvan Zardai hosted their conversation through Zoom.

The discussion covers a number of topics connected to the central theme of ‘Instinct’ in Midgley's work including “Beast and Man” and “Science and Poetry”, with audience joining the conversation from around the globe.

The conversation is accompanied by the release of an electronic volume. A booklet containing Yasuhiro's and Istvan's letters exchanged in preparation for the event, and a cycle of Yasuhiro's poems prompted by Midgley's work. Download this booklet (in English) in the right hand column of this page.

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Concept of Beastliness: Philosophy, Ethics and Animal Behaviour
Philosophy, vol. 48 (1973), pp. 111-135